Looking Back

Looking Back

2018 was so beautiful.

We started 2018 with a deep sadness. So much disappointment was felt in 2017 and our foster son that had been with us for six months left very abruptly. But we welcomed 2018 with full hearts, expectant of all God had for us. We heard Him say this year would be a year of harvest. And we definitely saw that. It was beautiful. We saw the first fruits of all the good seed we have been sowing for so many years. It was a year I’ll deeply cherish.

10 Years Down, Forever to Go

10 Years Down, Forever to Go

We got away just the two of us for a week in paradise. 

We had these big plans when we were newlyweds that our tenth anniversary we’d go to Hawaii or someplace like that. But then life happened. We paid for several rounds of infertility treatments, two adoptions, lots of unexpected medical procedures for Micah and before we knew it, Hawaii just wasn’t going to happen.  

But it didn’t matter to us. I know this sounds cheesy, but just give me this man, a beach, a book, and fruity drinks and that’s my paradise. So we took our thousandth cruise to the Bahamas and loved every single sun-kissed second.

A Letter to My Newlywed Self

Next week I’ll celebrate eight years of marriage with my husband. The one I prayed for every day since I was in the sixth grade. The one I gave an old shoe box full of letters I had written to him. The one I promised my life.When our anniversary rolls around each...