So this bloggin’ thing is very new to me. You’ll have to be patient, because there is no doubt you will find many errors in my writing. 🙂 I have been told that I write the way I talk. I don’t know why anyone would ever tell me that?! 😉 Please just try to look past it! There have been so many people who have encouraged me to start a blog to document all this craziness in our lives! So here goes…..
Brandon and I have walked down a long road to become parents. We have seen time and time again how the Lord has molded and shaped our hearts to become more like Him, but we have also been reminded at times of our lack of trust and misconception of what “living out the Gospel” looks like in our lives. It’s been hard. And sweet. It’s been hard to live in this place of hurt for so long, but so precious because we have been forced to depend on Jesus like never before. We wouldn’t trade that for the world. That’s the funny thing I’m learning about suffering. It never goes away. Right when you think you get through one thing, something else happens to take it’s place. How sweet that God loves us so much that He will use these hard things in our lives to make us need Him more? Just precious! The more I need Him, the more I find I want of Him. This is what makes suffering so sweet.
Jesus told so many stories in the New Testament. The stories made His teaching so relevant to the people at that time. I think this is true for us today. I love to hear stories about what God is up to in other people’s lives. I like to hear of His faithfulness and His answers to their prayers. Because I think, “If God was faithful to them; He will be faithful to me. That’s Who He is.” We are learning so much about this idea of “boasting in our hope” (Hebrews 3) in our community group and church. I pray as you read this blog, you will be encouraged by our story and God’s faithfulness to us. As we boast about Him, be reminded of His love and faithfulness to you!