Jehovah Jireh

I love studying the names of God. Every name that belongs to
Him, reminds me that He is sufficient for every one of my needs. He really is
our answer to everything! Why do we so often choose things over Him? For
instance, I choose to worry when I could experience His peace. I choose to buy
a pair of shoes after a bad day instead of spending time telling Him about it (real
mature right?). I choose time watching “my shows” when I could spend precious
time tasting the goodness of His Word. I choose all of these things and many
more instead of choosing Him. How is there even a choice? He is the absolute best!
The most precious. My greatest treasure. My highest prize. There just aren’t words
to describe His greatness! And yet, I still choose myself and what I think my
heart needs.

In Genesis 22, God asked Abraham to sacrifice, his only son Isaac,
to test his faith.  You know the story.
In obedience, Abraham had faith that God would provide and He did. He provided
a ram for the sacrifice instead of Isaac. Abraham used this name of God, Jehovah
Jireh, to name that place and describe His provision to Abraham. Brandon and I
have been overwhelmed by Jehovah Jireh, our God who provides.

First of all, I started this blog so our close friends and
family could stay informed of our adoption. I thought maybe 10 or so people
might read it. I have been humbled by the many people who have messaged or
called me encouraged by God’s story. I have been overwhelmed with God’s
provision in your lives! And even in the hard circumstances I have heard from
you, I am excited to see how He will make His name famous for your good and His

Last Friday, I got to school early (which is only when I ride
with my friend, Kristy
checked my box and went to my classroom like I do every day. In my box, was a manila
envelope and inside were ten, 100 dollar bills. That’s 1,000 dollars for you
first grade teachers! I just stood there with shaking hands and tears streaming
down my face. Not only because someone in my school wanted to remain anonymous
and receive no credit for this unbelievably kind act, but because Jehovah Jireh
once again provided.  

I am so busy every night making necklaces. (And want to be,
so keep the orders coming!) Brandon will yell to me from the living room while
he’s watching TV, “Are you almost done with that one?”
J It does make for a very loud
evening (all my banging metal), but it is the sound of Jehovah Jireh, providing
for us to bring our baby home.

I don’t know what your heart needs today. It may be healing
for your body or from your past.  Jehovah
Rapha, is the God who heals. You may be experiencing craziness in your life
with kids, finances, marriage, and work. Jehovah Shalom is our peace. Your heart
might be in despair because of a sin you just cannot shake. Jehovah
Mekoddishkem, sanctifies you. Rest in that. Maybe you don’t know where to go
next, Jehovah-Raah is your Shepard. He’ll lead you. See, friend, whatever our
hearts need, it is all found in Him. How can we run to other things when He is
our answer?! Let’s run to Him! He is our everything. “2 I say to the
Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” Psalm16:2