Sweet Baby Satterfield

The details of our adoption…..well, at least what we know.


We are adopting through Bethany Christian Services. We are
adopting an infant (it will be a Satterfield coming home from the hospital)
domestically, anywhere in the United States. We are not yet sure of the race or
gender. After our home study is complete (hopefully around the end of June), we
will know more details.

Adoption is a HUGE financial obligation and we are literally
jumping out in faith. We know that God has called us to this, and we trust He will
provide the means to bring our baby home. He has already been so very faithful!
Many people wonder why it is so expensive to adopt a child who has nothing or
no one. This was our first thought too. The main costs are legal fees such as
paying an attorney, getting our paperwork through DSS, and background checks,
ect. However, there are also fees for the agency, and the birth mother. The
total cost for our adoption will be around 22,000. Because of the sweet couple
in our group, our goal is to raise 10,000-12,000 dollars to cover the cost.

If you would really like to bring baby Satterfield home,
there are four ways you can help!

  • The most important thing
    you can do for us is PRAY! So many things have to happen perfectly for
    this baby to be in our forever family, from the PILES of paperwork, financial
    obligations, home study, to meetings with the birth mother.
  • We are selling T-Shirts. 🙂
    If you are like me you are almost “T-Shirted out,” but then again you can
    never have too many! The cost is $15. Please make checks payable to
    Jessica Satterfield and write Adoption in the Memo line. There will be two
    color options: Yellow with black writing and a heart or black with yellow
    writing and no heart.

[email protected]

Thank you so much for your support as you help us bring our baby home! 🙂