Close the Door and Fall in Love


. It was my
second time attending and I was expecting big things from the Lord. I wasn’t
sure what He would do, but the posture of my heart the whole weekend was open
hands. I expected to receive lots of practical things to help grow this blog,
increase followers, and reach more hearts. My deepest desire for this space and
ministry in the future is Psalms 52:9, “For what you have done I will always
praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your
name, for your name is good.”

Instead, I came
home from that weekend with a simple task from Him, “Close the door, Jessica. Take time
to heal, and fall in love with Me.”

And that’s what I’ve

It has been
beautiful. And hard.

Writing has always
been a way I process things, and when the Lord asked me to close the door for a
while, I wasn’t sure exactly what He meant by that. I realize it’s been some
time since you’ve heard from me, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t been praying for
you, sweet reader.

I’ve been learning
so much lately about what it means to embrace suffering, rather than resisting,
and wishing it away. Behind closed doors, in the secret of my time with Him, I’ve
been learning more about who I am in Him and just crazy He is about me. He’s
been training my heart to live more fully in my identity as His daughter. And His
Spirit has been poured out in fresh new ways in my life.

So I realize there
hasn’t been much traffic around here lately, but I want you to know that what
He has been doing in me, I’m praying for Him to do in you.

So dear friend,
thank you for following along. I cherish you and love each pair of eyes reading
these words. You are a blessing to me.

The beginning of
Spring is always filled with new promise. Lots of new things to come!

I’d love to know what He’s been doing in you!