I’ll never forget the first time I heard the illustration of “special sauce.” Leif Hetland talked about “special sauce” and how it radically changed the way he operates in the Kingdom at a conference several months ago at our church. I wanted to stand up, wave my hands around, and run around my church like a crazy lady, because he finally gave language to what has been stirring in my heart for so long.
The deeper I journey into the heart of the Father, the more revelation I have on my true identity, His daughter. Stepping into that identity, has changed every single thing about my life. I am not the same girl I was several years ago, because that other girl knew Jesus, but lived as an orphan. Walking in my true identity as the Father’s daughter, that I have His inheritance, it’s His blood that now runs through my veins, and His kind eyes of approval over me is now what truly makes me, me. And the more I am learning about who I really am, because of Jesus, the more free I am to be me. The more I believe what my Father says about me, the more, ME, I get to become. Identity is something I will never stop talking about, because it has radically changed my life.