Guest Posts

The Special Sauce You Carry

The Special Sauce You Carry

I’ll never forget the first time I heard the illustration of “special sauce.” Leif Hetland talked about “special sauce” and how it radically changed the way he operates in the Kingdom at a conference several months ago at our church. I wanted to stand up, wave my hands around, and run around my church like a crazy lady, because he finally gave language to what has been stirring in my heart for so long.

The deeper I journey into the heart of the Father, the more revelation I have on my true identity, His daughter. Stepping into that identity, has changed every single thing about my life. I am not the same girl I was several years ago, because that other girl knew Jesus, but lived as an orphan. Walking in my true identity as the Father’s daughter, that I have His inheritance, it’s His blood that now runs through my veins, and His kind eyes of approval over me is now what truly makes me, me. And the more I am learning about who I really am, because of Jesus, the more free I am to be me. The more I believe what my Father says about me, the more, ME, I get to become. Identity is something I will never stop talking about, because it has radically changed my life.

What You Should Know About Adoption

What You Should Know About Adoption

Adoption starts from brokenness.

My brokenness. That looked like an empty womb. Month after month, year after painful year, of seeing negative pregnancy tests. It was failed infertility treatments and a really broken heart and tired body.

When Stairs Are Scary {A Guest Post}

When Stairs Are Scary {A Guest Post}

I’m honored to have my friend, Jessica, sharing her story with you today. She is also an adoptive mom,  has had a miracle pregnancy, and is also mama to a child with special needs . When things have been really hard with Micah, I’ve reached out the her, simply to know I’m not alone. Our boys came home to us within weeks of each other. They both are the strongest boys I know, and have taught their mamas truly what it looks like to be brave.

The Seasons of the Soul

The Seasons of the Soul

I walked home from dropping our new little family member off at the bus stop this morning with my jacket wrapped tight around me. The days are getting shorter and the sun tags the moon much quicker than what we’d like. The flowers that were vibrant and full of life only a few months ago are losing their color and becoming tired. The leaves on the trees are holding onto the very last bit of green before they surrender to the colors of Fall.

Summer is slowly slipping away and Fall is riding in on the breeze.

I found myself whispering, “Thank you, Father,” for the very simplicity of the seasons changing this morning. His faithfulness is as steady and sure as the rising of the dawn. I am confident of His coming to me just as the sure signs of the Fall. There is great comfort in knowing that seasons end and a new one begins.

Birthing the Impossible {A Guest Post-From My Powerhouse Friend}

Birthing the Impossible {A Guest Post-From My Powerhouse Friend}

You know those people you meet and your hearts immediately connect? That’s what happened with my friend, Caroline. Her words are filled with so much life and her faith stokes and blows oxygen on mine, fanning the flame for the impossible in my own story. She has become to me a dear friend, and I’m so honored to share this space with her today. I know her words will encourage and challenge your heart as they have mine. 


Impossibilities for most are a topic that often goes untouched. But for me? It’s something I think about every day. My husband and I were given a 0% chance of conceiving on our own. 0%. But you know what I love about God? He loves to take an impossible situation, like mine, and creates the environment for a miracle to take place. Because our impossibility has to do with birthing children, I won’t just get to birth the impossible in the spiritual realm, but in the physical realm too. How amazing is that?

You see myself, and perhaps you too, aren’t the first to face the impossible. It was common throughout every generation before us, including throughout the Bible too. And the amazing thing about the couples who went through impossible situations, specific to infertility, is every barren women in the Bible conceived. Hannah and Sarah contended even though they were barren. Mary, although not barren, birthed a child through supernatural conception. There is also Rebekah, Elizabeth and the unnamed wife of Manoah who had children. I don’t know what their diagnosis was and I don’t know what percent chance they had to conceive, but I assume like myself they had days where they felt defeated and hopeless, yet they too conceived a child.

Their children were birthed out of barren wombs.

{A Guest Post} The Kingdom Here. Now.

{A Guest Post} The Kingdom Here. Now.

I am incredibly honored to share with you one of my dearest friends, Hayley. She’s a powerhouse packed into a tiny frame, yet has one of the most tender hearts for the Lord that I’ve ever seen. I get the incredible privilege of having her speak into my life almost daily. She’s part of “my tribe” and our families do life together in community. She has walked beside me so gracefully in my waiting, and has encouraged me to go deeper into the heart of the Father. I know her words will speak to deep places in your heart, as they have to mine.