Special Needs

When the Load Feels Heavy

When the Load Feels Heavy

I’ve been his mama and he has been my son now for almost two years, minus the two months he went back.

When I think back to that first summer he came, all I can remember is the rash that covered my body for six months. I used every cream and ointment you could imagine. I quit gluten and dairy. It didn’t matter what I did, the rash stayed. It was my body’s way of telling me it was too much.

I remember laying on my face every morning in my office, asking Holy Spirit for just enough grace to make it through that day. In those first days, it was minute by minute. I didn’t know how to be a mama to a then seven year old. And he surely didn’t know what it was like to live as a true son. He wasn’t used to boundaries and bedtimes, structure and routine. Love felt uncomfortable, like dipping cold toes in to warm water, it burned.

Although we have quite the journey ahead of us, sorting through so much trauma, and growing together in love, we’ve found our place together. I am his and he is mine. He’s settled in nicely to his place in our family. And we’re hoping one day it will be forever.

Simple, Puposeful Living With Kids (Part 2)

Simple, Puposeful Living With Kids (Part 2)

I’m so excited to continue our series on living simple with purpose. I’ve being living on purpose for quite some time now, but sharing this series with you has helped me think through why I do the things I do. I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week, and Christmas will be right around the corner. If we’re not careful, I think it would be easy to let life just slip by. As we’re walking through this series, I hope it encourages you to think for yourself and your family the “why” behind the things you do.

When my kids are all grown up, and they’re raising children of their own, I want their favorite memories to be the ones we made consistently with intentionality. And that can’t happen if we’re not being intentional now.

Dear Teacher,

Dear Teacher,

Dear Teacher,

I hope you’ve had a great summer! It was so great to meet you today and put a face to the name I’ve been praying for all summer. You see, I’m not used to being on the other side of the table. I sat in your chair for so many years, excited to see the little faces staring back at me, and watched as their parents wrung their hands as they shared every detail of their child’s life.

I didn’t understand then, but I do now. Now that I’m on the other side of the table.

Remember in school, when they taught you that every child is different and learns in different ways? Remember how you learned all of those strategies to reach every learner? Can you promise me you’ll remember those this year?

When You’re Holding Onto Hope

When You’re Holding Onto Hope

Most of the time, it’s easy for me to look at ugly and have eyes to see beyond, how beautiful it will one day be.

It’s easy for me to do this, because I know who Father is. I’m learning more and more of His heart. That it’s only in His character to do good and be good and give good. He turns bitter into sweet. He raises beauty up from the ashes. He redeems and rewrites and restores. When you know who He is, it’s easy to see past the ugly. Because when you walk in your true identity, a daughter knows her Papa will always rush in. He’ll come to the rescue. It’s just who He is, it’s what He does. 

When Stairs Are Scary {A Guest Post}

When Stairs Are Scary {A Guest Post}

I’m honored to have my friend, Jessica, sharing her story with you today. She is also an adoptive mom,  has had a miracle pregnancy, and is also mama to a child with special needs . When things have been really hard with Micah, I’ve reached out the her, simply to know I’m not alone. Our boys came home to us within weeks of each other. They both are the strongest boys I know, and have taught their mamas truly what it looks like to be brave.