I don’t think I’ve ever, in my entire life, experienced such rest and tangible peace as I did when we stayed in Moravian Falls last weekend. Just coming off of a full fall speaking schedule, I honestly had no idea just how strategic the Father had placed this weekend as a bookend, summing up such a full season.
The original plan was for me to go to Moravian Falls by myself on a writing retreat. Because let’s be real, with three little kids and all the things that comes with them, writing something than a few paragraphs at a time, just isn’t happening. (I’m writing this very blog post during quiet time! And all the mamas said. “Amen!”) I’ve known for quite some time there is so much in me stirring around, just waiting for the chance to come out. I just knew I needed to give myself space to let those words be birthed.
Since Brandon had been with the kids for so many weekends in a row so I could do ministry, at the very last minute, my sweet mama and step-dad offered to keep the kids so Brandon could come with me too. Can we just talk about this for a second? When God calls you to something, He calls your people too. Even though from the outside it looks so much different, my mom and step-dad, this is their ministry too. The harvest that comes from writing and speaking and The Garden, it’s their harvest too. And don’t get me started on my sweet husband. He constantly sacrifices and supports me, and when I feel like giving up, He doesn’t let me. Because this isn’t what God has called me to, it’s the calling on OUR lives.
Needless to say, it was such a gift that Brandon got to go too. The week before we left, my body was absolutely exhausted. And it was a deep exhaustion that you feel straight into your soul. I kept hearing the Father speak over that weekend a refreshing.
And that’s exactly what happened.
As soon as we walked in the door late Friday night, I started crying. The tangible peace in Nancy and Doug’s home from Coffey Cabins was something I’ve rarely experienced. I didn’t even get our stuff out of the car. I just stood in the kitchen and cried. You know when you’re so tired, knowing you’re about to get rest is just emotional?
Nancy and Doug are Believers and use their cabins to minister to others. Everything about their home was intentional. There was prophetic art hung on the walls, anointing oil, and communion cups sitting out ready to be used. I loved so much that their house is designed to be a place where people come to seek the Father and experience Holy Spirit. The distractions we have at home are all silenced there. They don’t have internet or TV and I loved every single second of the quiet. And not to mention, their home was absolutely beautiful. It had such a cozy, cabin feel that just felt like home.
As soon as we got there Friday night, we took showers and got in our PJ’s. Brandon fell asleep on the couch and I started reading. Can you believe I read an entire book that weekend?! We went to bed late Friday night and didn’t open our eyes Saturday morning until 10. Can you even believe that? I didn’t know my body could sleep that long anymore! I made a big breakfast Saturday morning and we cuddled up on the couch. I pulled out my computer and started writing
Brandon went into town to watch the Clemson game and I stayed at the house. I sat under this window and watched the wind and the birds. And I worshiped for hours without interruption. I wish everyday could be like that! I’ve been asking Holy Spirit to teach me how to dance all day with Him and still do the things I need to do. Worship isn’t something we do, it’s how we live our lives. Communing with Him all day long, thinking about Him while I’m doing the dishes, asking Him what is on His heart when I drive down the road. It’s all worship.
I can’t exactly articulate the beauty that happened that weekend in both Brandon and me. We looked at each other so many times and without even saying words, just knew the deep gratitude for the moments we shared together. With a simple look out the window, long periods of sleep, hot tea, warm coffee, the Word, books, and a whole weekend to write what’s been burning in me for so long, the Holy Spirit ministered to both of our hearts so deeply.
On our way home on Sunday, we stopped by Prayer Mountain. We walked through a few trails and prayed together for our marriage, kids, and ministry. Everything everyone says about Moravian Falls is true. There is a tangible peace, an anointing, and an atmosphere that has been cultivated to host heaven on earth.
It’s funny how we experienced the greatest weekend of rest in our lives, and last week we were thrown into the middle of absolute chaos. Everything about last week was hard. Finally on Wednesday, I was longing to experience the peace I felt over the weekend, and I asked Holy Spirit to show me where I left it.
And He reminded me that peace is my inheritance. But the enemy tries more than anything else to steal our peace, because when he steals our peace, he steals our joy too. So I recalibrated my heart and instead of basing peace off of my circumstances, I based my peace off of what I carry, Who I carry. And I believed the truth of God’s Word, that peace is a fruit I already have, over choosing to allow my circumstances to dictate my peace.
The week hasn’t been any easier, but I’ve carried peace because it’s my inheritance. I’ve chosen to operate out of the rest found in the Father’s heart. It would be nice to have a weekend away in the mountains every month, right?! But the truth is, we can always walk in the same amount of spiritual rest that we experienced that weekend. We just have to choose to.
If you’re looking for a beautiful place to stay for a weekend away, Doug and Nancy’s houses are amazing. And they are literally the sweetest people. You can find all of the information about their ministry and houses here. We stayed in the Sanctuary Cabin, and is was absolutely perfect for everything we needed.