It’s been quiet around here lately.
I’m so sorry about that.
Do you ever feel like you can’t balance your life? Or is it just me? Surely it’s not just me. It’s like I’m an awesome mom and tanking the ministry thing, or I’m writing and not speaking, or visa versa. Either my legs are shaved or my hair clean. And don’t get me started about house. If the dishes are done, the laundry probably isn’t. Know what I mean?
I’ve chosen in this season to use the word “full” instead of “busy.” I feel like being busy is just running around without intention and lacking purpose. Full describes our season much better. Everything that our family is doing is intentional and filled with purpose. It just means we have to give our very best yes. And a lot of “no’s” along the way too.
Every morning when I wake up, I ask the Father, “What do you want me to put my hands to today?” Sometimes I work on The Garden all day. Somedays I only work on stamping jewelry. Somedays I just need to play in the floor with my kids or go on a date with my life crush. It’s been something I’m definitely growing in, yet learning what it looks like to live in this full season of life out of a posture of rest.
For the last six weekends, I’ve been speaking to women in different parts of the country. It’s something I’ve grown to love so much. I still can’t decide if I’m a writer who speaks or a speaker who writes, but I know I doing both of them breathe such life into me.
It’s crazy to believe when I quit my teaching job just two years ago, this was all a silent dream. And now I’m starting to birth the very dreams Papa God has grown deep inside me, hidden underground for so many years. My favorite thing in the whole world is sharing about His extravagant love and the living hope we get to carry because of Him. I can’t believe I get to do this as my job!
He has absolutely wrecked me with His goodness. And He keeps taking me deeper and deeper into His heart in this season. I kept finding places in Him I never knew where there, and it only makes me long for even more.
Last weekend I was so honored to be the Keynote Speaker at the Moms in the Making Conference in Dallas, Texas. My best internet friend turned real life best friend, Caroline Harries, hosts this amazing conference for women waiting and believing to be moms. The way she leads this ministry with passion and steadfastness is stunning. And I know the real Caroline. Everything she preaches, she lives first. It’s been such a joy to watch her serve women and lead them in something she is journeying through herself. There’s so much beauty there.
I also got to speak on a Q&A panel with our other internet best friend, Lauren Bourne from I Am Fruitful. These girls and their hearts for the Delayed Fertility Community are absolutely fire. They share from a place of such wisdom, rooted in the Truth of the Word of God. I love every single moment we’re in the same state at the same time. They are both such gems in my life.
The conference’s theme was “Rooted in Truth.” And I personally don’t know any other women in my life that are as rooted in the Word like the women in this picture. It’s crazy how each of us have different stories and live in different places, yet the Father has connected our hearts so deeply (thank you Voxer!). Jessica, Caroline, and Jeffie also each led a breakthrough session at the conference. Watching them teach, knowing each of their stories intimately in the way I do, was such a precious moment for me. These friendships are what relationships in the Kingdom are supposed to look like. Rooted in the Truth of God’s Word. Saying to each other, “I’m believing with you what God has said, and I’m here to help you fight off the lies.”
Women were set free that weekend. Their eyes were opened to lies they had been believing, many for so long. They were able to walk in complete and total healing for their hearts and bodies. The Holy Spirit fell, and I know women are able to walk in deeper intimacy with the Father because of the Truth that was unveiled.
Also, how amazing is it to minister with your best friend? I hope it’s just the beginning of many more times like this.
Speaking and writing, leading the women in The Garden, it’s all so amazing. But the greatest honor of my life is being called “Mama” by these sweet faces (and one other one I can’t share). Getting home to them, wiping hineys, cleaning faces, and loving them is my absolute favorite.
It always will be.