Simple, Purposeful Living As A Mama (Part 1)

I think it’s so easy to do the things we do without being intentional behind it all. In this season of my life, with every day being full to the brim, it’s been so important for me to choose to be intentional and move forward with purpose. I am so excited about sharing over the next few weeks how I live with purpose as a mama, with my kids, in my home, and in our routine.

What I love even more about this series is that you are going to hear how other women live with purpose and intentionality too! Several lifestyle and design bloggers in my area, asked me to join them in sharing this series. And I couldn’t be more excited about it. What I love about the four of us, is that each of us have completely different platforms, but share the exact same message. These girls are amazing at what they do, and they love Jesus.

You might remember my friend Amber, she completely gave my office a makeover two summers ago. She’s an amazing photographer and her home is absolutely beautiful but she does it thrifting. My friend, Lindsay, has a huge passion to live in financial freedom and the stories she shares about how she has made that a reality are absolutely inspiring. She has an incredible design gift, and is passionate about making her spaces functional and beautiful. I feel like she already carries the message of living with purpose so beautifully. And Eileen is a beautiful Mama to three, she and her husband redo houses and have an amazing business building beautiful porch swings. I can’t wait to hear how they each share what it looks like to live with intentionality and purpose.


It’s so easy as a Mama to put yourself last. Normally that is exactly what happens. Last to eat, last to have clean clothes, last to shower, and most definitely last to rest. But what the Father has been teaching me over the last year is that if I don’t live out of a place of rest, if I don’t take care of my heart and my body, I am useless in taking care of my family. I find the oxygen mask little demo that the flight attendant does before your plane takes off is so important in so many areas of life. I’ve found this to be true in ministry. I have to first make sure my heart is getting space to breathe, is being consistently filled by being in God’s Word and spending time in the secret place with Him, upmost before I am able to pour out into others. And this principle most definitely applies to mothering.

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I might have a thousand things that I need to do for the day, but my day doesn’t start until I spend time with Jesus. It’s how I care for my heart. I know I need the bread of His Word, and the aroma of His presence to linger on me throughout the day.

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Burning candles and drinking tea has been my jam lately. Brandon works nights, so most nights I do bath and bedtime routine alone. (Which with three kids is quite a task.) Before I put my little kids in the bathtub, I make myself some hot tea. I love throat coat, lemon and echinacea. But chamomile and peppermint are close seconds. While they splash around in the bathtub, sipping hot tea feels like such a treat. And I’m not going to lie, it makes me feel a little royal.

I feel very strongly that leaders are readers. And I hear all the time from people, “I don’t have time to read.” It’s not that you don’t have time to read, it’s that you don’t make time to read. The time I make to read is right before I go to sleep. About a year ago, the Father asked me to not watch TV before I went to sleep. This was something I’ve done for years. The time I used to spend watching TV, now I use to read. Not that TV is bad, it isn’t. We still watch TV. But for me, reading is better. Like when Martha was scurrying around the kitchen serving everyone, that wasn’t bad. Jesus calls us to serve. But what Mary was doing, sitting at Jesus’s feet, it was better. Reading for me is the better thing. I’m very intentional about the books I read. Nothing is more valuable than God’s Word, but I have read so many books that have taken my relationship with the Father so much deeper. I would even dare to say I’ve read a few books that have been life changing for me.

I’m currently reading Poverty, Riches, and Wealth, The Believer’s Authority, and Experiencing the Heavenly Realm. All of which I highly recommend if you’re in a similar season as me. Birthing the Miraculous was one of those books that have marked my heart forever. If you feel like God has put inside you a dream that is bigger than you, I would highly recommend reading this book. You can click on the shop tab at the top of my website to see other books I’ve read and enjoyed.

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Another thing I do to care for my heart is painting my nails. Doesn’t that sound crazy? (You can find my favorite colors here and the lamp I use here.) I used to look at my nails and think, “The last thing I have time for is painting my nails.” But I’m learning that I’m worth it. I’m worth the time. I think sometimes we get sucked into the lie of believing that if we take care of ourselves we’re being selfish. When in fact, me caring for myself is caring for my family. Because I can’t pour out if I’m empty. I’m learning this more and more. I wish I would’ve had an older mom teach me that all of those years ago. So if no one has told you, you are worth the time, friend. Taking care of yourself isn’t you being selfish, it’s you being wise. It’s the only way you can love your family well.

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More than anything, at the end of the day, the most important thing I can give myself is grace. When the dishes don’t get done, and I still have laundry piled up in my room. When my to do list isn’t crossed off and I find Peppa Pigs all over my desk, I hear the Holy Spirit whisper, “Grace, Jessica. I give you grace, give it to yourself.”

It’s hard to live intentional and with purpose if we’re crossing off lists and running in every direction. In fact, that sounds like much the opposite. I know myself and my personality doesn’t account for much grace. I find it easy, for the most part, to give to others. But I’m much slower in giving grace to myself. As I continue this journey to living on purpose, I know grace is a big key. The truth of the matter is we’re in process. If we are in Christ Jesus and journeying with Him, we are being made like Him. This happens as we renew our minds with the Truth of His Word.

I hope you’ll spend time today thinking about the things that make you come alive. I hope you’ll take the time to figure out what it is that ministers to your heart. And then start doing those things. You can’t pour out if your heart isn’t full. Let’s be women with full hearts. Let’s take the time to find out what makes our souls prosper and do those things with purpose and intentionality.

Don’t forget to head over to my three amazing friends blogs to see how they are living with purpose!

You can check out Amber’s blog here.

Lindsay, over at The White Buffalo Styling Co, here.

And sweet Eileen, at Eileen and Co, here.