Gah. I know I’m their mama, but aren’t they the cutest?
Spring is in full swing over here! We spent all day last week working in the yard. We chose the only day it was going to rain to get our outside to-do list finished. Oh well. Remember how my husband works nights? Our schedule is kinda crazy, so rain or shine, we were sprucing this place up. And I’m so glad we did!
Something holy happens for me when my hands are in the dirt. When I have to clean out my fingernails and have dirty knees I know it’s been a good day. I spent that morning digging up old roots, preparing the ground for new seeds, for new life. That’s what God has been doing in me too lately. It’s so very exciting!
There are fresh flowers on my table. And most of the time the screen door is open. (Don’t mind the play dough, leftover mac and cheese from lunch, or the cozy coupe in the back. This is real life, people.) The birds are waking me up each morning singing their song, and the extra day light is straight from heaven. Everything is turning green and I’m pulling out my favorite sandals.
We’ve been spending a lot of our days playing outside or at the park. We also really enjoy the zoo. Micah is even coming around to the idea of the zoo. He’s getting so big, y’all. He’ll be TWO in next month! Selah’s Gotcha Day is coming up this weekend. We’ve been talking it up and she’s getting excited because it’s an excuse to have cake. Homegirl likes cake. A Lot.