The One He Loves

The One He Loves

Growing up, my elementary best friend was our pastor’s daughter of a very large church. Everyone knew who she was and treated her special because of it. My best friend all throughout middle and high school had the best dad ever. He was a very prestigious and well...

When Infertility Still Stings

There were four yesterday. FOUR. Sweet black and white pictures of little nuggets (that mostly look like aliens) fill my newsfeed. And all these years later, it still hurts. Not nearly as bad, but it does. I still get baby shower invitations in the mail, and it...

A Word to All The Mamas

Our bags were thrown on the counter, still packed from our hospital stay. Brandon was frantically searching for the “therapy” paci. It’s supposed to strengthen his suck, they say. I was holding wrestling my very sick seven week old, begging for him...

Another Home Study…

They say it’s different with the second baby. You know those diaper commercials where the first-time mom has the sanitary wipes and instantly attacks the fallen, dirty paci? Then, the second baby comes, and she sticks the germy paci in her mouth to...