The Best Baby Lotion Ever!
My children have really bad eczema. My daughter’s used to get so bad in the winter sometimes she would be miserable. I tried every type of cream, lotion, and steroid. I took her completely off of dairy. And that was hard, because the girl can down some yogurt. I tried just about everything. On her first birthday, a friend gave us this lotion as her present. It has been the only thing that clears up her eczema! My babies also have brown skin, so me loving them well is making sure their skin stays nice and moisturized.
Our pediatrician always comments on how nice their skin is and I can’t tell you how many African American friends give us complements. During one of Micah’s hospital stays, I ended up giving the nurse our lotion because she wouldn’t stop talking about how wonderful it was! Our pediatrician tells me I should bottle it up and sell it! But who has time for that?
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