by Jessica Satterfield | Apr 27, 2018 | Infertility
The theme for this year’s National Infertility Awareness Week has been “flip the script.” It’s been amazing to see all the stories that have been shared over the past week of God’s goodness and His faithfulness in the middle of so much pain. It’s also been amazing to hear of miracle after miracle that He has performed in the stories of so many.
I might be experiencing delayed fertility, but that is not who I am. Infertility is NOT the end of my story. I was so honored to join with so many others in sharing my story on my dear friend, Caroline’s blog today! Head over to read the hope that is found in between every line..
by Jessica Satterfield | Apr 23, 2018 | Adoption, Infertility, Popular
Our stories, they both started with brokenness.
Mine looked like month after month, year after year of negative pregnancy tests. It’s all I ever wanted to be, a mama. So when doctors and my flat belly told me it wouldn’t happen, it was a deep pain, probably the deepest of my life. It wasn’t suppose to be this way. My body is designed to conceive and carry babies.
I don’t like to think of your story as painful. It tears my heart in half to think of you being in pain. But the truth is, in a perfect world, before the fall, God intended mommies to carry their babies. Your birth mama, she loved you so deep, she knew she couldn’t give you what you needed. So she made a brave choice, and chose life for you, a life she couldn’t give.
by Jessica Satterfield | Apr 28, 2017 | Infertility
This week has been National Infertility Awareness Week. I’ve been hearing the voices of so many sisters who are wading these waters of infertility. My heart aches for you, yet I know what can be found in the midst of what looks like complete brokenness.
On the cold tiles of my bathroom floor, the morning after we found out our last IUI had failed, I decided I was going to love the Giver more than the gift. It was in the brokenness of my body, and what seemed like unanswered prayers, I found my One true love. Jesus.
He’s the gift. He is enough. He also redeems and rewrites stories, turning the most broken places in our life to beauty. In the meantime, while we wait, He gives us grace in the wilderness.
by Jessica Satterfield | Apr 25, 2016 | Adoption, Faith, Infertility
The hardest part in my journey of motherhood was the waiting for it to begin.Every year on my birthday, I just knew the next one, I would be a mommy. The seasons would change, another year would pass, and I was still there, on my birthday, waiting…again.In each of...
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