by Jessica Satterfield | Feb 6, 2019 | Infertility, Podcasts
This weekend, The Garden’s Leadership Team got away for our second annual retreat.
I’m still finding words for all Father did over the weekend. He told me specific things He was going to do in each heart and how He was going to move us as a team deeper into His. Just like always, He did exactly what I felt Him say He would do. I believe our team walked away marked by the love of God in a way we never have before.
by Jessica Satterfield | Dec 13, 2018 | Faith, Infertility, Motherhood
The Garden is serving someone you know.
It’s the girl sitting on the same row with you each Sunday. She’s the girl in the next cubicle over. The cousin you love but only see a few times a year. The teacher who pours out her life into your child. The lady sitting on your board. The woman on the other end of the conference call. The girl on your worship team.
It’s her.
by Jessica Satterfield | Apr 27, 2018 | Infertility
The theme for this year’s National Infertility Awareness Week has been “flip the script.” It’s been amazing to see all the stories that have been shared over the past week of God’s goodness and His faithfulness in the middle of so much pain. It’s also been amazing to hear of miracle after miracle that He has performed in the stories of so many.
I might be experiencing delayed fertility, but that is not who I am. Infertility is NOT the end of my story. I was so honored to join with so many others in sharing my story on my dear friend, Caroline’s blog today! Head over to read the hope that is found in between every line..
by Jessica Satterfield | Jun 5, 2017 | Infertility
We binge watch Netflix after our kids go to bed like every other good parent does. Our favorite fictional character, Harold (from Persons of Interest), put so perfectly into words the state of my heart at the end of every month,
“Hope is painful.”
It’s been almost a year now, since I’ve felt the nudging from Jesus to stretch out my withered hand (or barren womb) and let Him heal me. Stretching out my withered hand means admitting that I really want healing. That I’m not okay with spending the rest of my life with a body that doesn’t work the way God intended. Stretching out my withered hand means that I am vulnerable at the end of every month and most of the days between.
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