Want to Have Coffee With Me?

Want to Have Coffee With Me?

I so wish sometimes, you and me could grab a cup of coffee, sit on my couches, and chat. I know we’re internet friends and all, but wouldn’t it be nice just to talk to one another? 

Well, let’s pretend we’re together today, so just go grab a cup of coffee, and let’s chat about what it looks like finding and knowing the Father in the hardest parts of our stories. I was so honored to be a guest on Jennifer Blossom’s Podcast, Blossoming Mommy and Baby Show. You can listen in as she and I chat about my journey through infertility, the way my children came home to me, and the beautiful gift of adoption. 

I’m so honored and thankful you choose to follow along our story, and share yours with me. 

Heartgrown Box

Heartgrown Box

When Carly, the owner and founder of Heartgrown Box, contacted me I knew I wanted to help support her in any way I could. I knew this was something that would be so special for mamas in the wait. 

There is so much waiting in adoption. Waiting for paperwork to clear. Waiting for appointments. Waiting for a home study. Waiting to be approved. And then there’s the waiting for “the call.” It’s exciting and exhausting all the same. I remember when we were waiting on Selah to come home, there were times I wondered if the wait would ever end. Waiting is so very hard.