When most people think of adoption they immediately think of
orphaned children. The more I learn about this process of adoption, I am
reminded instantly of my adoption in Christ. In our Orphan Care Ministry at
church, we have been going through the book, Reclaiming Adoption by Dan
Cruver. This book explains this concept so beautifully. Before we can
comprehend what horizontal adoption means (adopting a child), we must first
understand our vertical adoption (our adoption into God’s family).
My heart has always had a special place for unwanted
children. Every year when I look on my class roaster, I always hope to find the
children no one else wants in their class. You know them….their name is the one
you say in your sleep because you have said it so much throughout the day. The
one who comes to school with a bellyache, because they did not get to school in
time for breakfast and their parents just do not care. This one, never has
their homework. Their dad is never there for Donuts for Dad, and mom never
comes for Muffins for Mom. They sometime smell because they did not get a bath.
Most always, these are the children that disrupt your instruction all day. They
crave attention. They want to be loved.
children. Every year when I look on my class roaster, I always hope to find the
children no one else wants in their class. You know them….their name is the one
you say in your sleep because you have said it so much throughout the day. The
one who comes to school with a bellyache, because they did not get to school in
time for breakfast and their parents just do not care. This one, never has
their homework. Their dad is never there for Donuts for Dad, and mom never
comes for Muffins for Mom. They sometime smell because they did not get a bath.
Most always, these are the children that disrupt your instruction all day. They
crave attention. They want to be loved.
My first year teaching, a little boy waltzed into my
classroom right before our Thanksgiving Feast. He had the sweetest face I think
I have ever seen. When I think of his pretty brown skin and bright eyes, tears well
up. He was my “R.” We’ll call him “R”. He came from a different state because
he witnessed his dad being murdered. That sweet baby walked in my room scared
to death. He was in a new state, new home, and new school without his dad.
Needless to say, he had very significant emotional problems. He would run out
of my room screaming. He would lock himself in our bathroom and hit his head
against the wall. He would have random outbursts of crying that could not be
soothed. I was the first year teacher, with her children under the lunch room
table. I remember one day the special education teacher had to call our
principal for me because we could not get him out from under the table. I found
that ironic.
classroom right before our Thanksgiving Feast. He had the sweetest face I think
I have ever seen. When I think of his pretty brown skin and bright eyes, tears well
up. He was my “R.” We’ll call him “R”. He came from a different state because
he witnessed his dad being murdered. That sweet baby walked in my room scared
to death. He was in a new state, new home, and new school without his dad.
Needless to say, he had very significant emotional problems. He would run out
of my room screaming. He would lock himself in our bathroom and hit his head
against the wall. He would have random outbursts of crying that could not be
soothed. I was the first year teacher, with her children under the lunch room
table. I remember one day the special education teacher had to call our
principal for me because we could not get him out from under the table. I found
that ironic.
Although I had no idea what to do with him, he stole my
heart. Brandon and I committed to praying for “R” every time we thought of him
(which was often). We still do. He learned to trust me and started calling me
his “school mom.” I learned the only way to calm him down when he was in one of
his fits was to wrap my arms around him in the floor, pull him on my lap, and
sing to him. About half way through, “There’s Something About that Name,” he
would start to relax and calm down.
heart. Brandon and I committed to praying for “R” every time we thought of him
(which was often). We still do. He learned to trust me and started calling me
his “school mom.” I learned the only way to calm him down when he was in one of
his fits was to wrap my arms around him in the floor, pull him on my lap, and
sing to him. About half way through, “There’s Something About that Name,” he
would start to relax and calm down.
God taught me so much about His love for me through “R.”
Even when I do not want his love and resist His embrace, He so constantly
pursues me. Calling me to Himself. Pulling me close to His big heart, so I can
feel His breathe singing over me.
Even when I do not want his love and resist His embrace, He so constantly
pursues me. Calling me to Himself. Pulling me close to His big heart, so I can
feel His breathe singing over me.
“R” has worked through so much of his trauma. I stalk
(intense, I know!) his teachers every year to make sure they know just how
special he is. He is at a new school this year. Thankfully, my brother-in-law
teaches there so I know he is safe. “R” still waves to me every Monday in the
car line when his mom picks up his sister. He even writes me letters and colors
pictures for me and sends them through James. “R” will never know the impact he
made on my life. It’s because of “R,” Brandon has been scared to come home
sometimes because he was afraid a child would be sitting on our couch. J It’s because of “R”
that our families and friends were not surprised when we announced our adoption.
I can’t wait to see what God does in “R’s” life. He has already used “R” in
(intense, I know!) his teachers every year to make sure they know just how
special he is. He is at a new school this year. Thankfully, my brother-in-law
teaches there so I know he is safe. “R” still waves to me every Monday in the
car line when his mom picks up his sister. He even writes me letters and colors
pictures for me and sends them through James. “R” will never know the impact he
made on my life. It’s because of “R,” Brandon has been scared to come home
sometimes because he was afraid a child would be sitting on our couch. J It’s because of “R”
that our families and friends were not surprised when we announced our adoption.
I can’t wait to see what God does in “R’s” life. He has already used “R” in
I knew after “R” left my room the last day of school that year,
there were many more children like him who are in desperate need of love. Their
lives depend on it. Not only so they can have parents and a family, but so they
can hear and receive the Gospel. Although we like to think we are different
than these children, we are just as desperate.
there were many more children like him who are in desperate need of love. Their
lives depend on it. Not only so they can have parents and a family, but so they
can hear and receive the Gospel. Although we like to think we are different
than these children, we are just as desperate.
See, I was just like “R” before God adopted me through
Jesus. I was so broken and hurt. I was dirty with sin in need of a bath in the
Blood. I was an enemy of God. My life was destined to end in death. I ran just
like he did. Ran to things I thought would fill the void in my heart for Him. I
was lost. I had no hope. But…. “when the fullness of time had come, God sent
forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those
who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And
because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts,
crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son,
and if a son, then an heir through God.” Galatians 4:4-7
Jesus. I was so broken and hurt. I was dirty with sin in need of a bath in the
Blood. I was an enemy of God. My life was destined to end in death. I ran just
like he did. Ran to things I thought would fill the void in my heart for Him. I
was lost. I had no hope. But…. “when the fullness of time had come, God sent
forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those
who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And
because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts,
crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son,
and if a son, then an heir through God.” Galatians 4:4-7
We are sons and daughters, sweet friend!!!! Let that sink
We are adopted!