My Journey to Eden
I used to think that eternity started when I died.
I used to carry this feeling of wanting, always looking forward to the next thing. When I get “there,” I’ll know Him more, I’ll really be living out my destiny, my calling. My heart was always searching, looking forward, peeking up over the horizon for what was next. Because maybe in the “next,” there would be more.
And then I realized eternity started when I accepted Jesus. “Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” So I’m no longer waiting to get to heaven to be with Him, like really be with Him. Although it’s still true, that He’s coming again, He’ll make all things right, and there won’t be any praising Him through pain anymore, because He’ll wipe it all away. But knowing Jesus isn’t just fire insurance. The Father sent Jesus not only so we can go to heaven when we die, but so that He could have His family back. So we could have abundant life with Him, now, like in Eden.
It’s all of the sudden hit me that I don’t have to wait anymore. I’ve realized that I can walk with Him now in the deepest intimacy, in the cool of the day like Adam and Eve. And the deepest desire of my heart here and now on earth is to get closer and closer to Eden. I want to be so connected to Him that when I die, I only change locations. Like it’s not even a big deal, because of how deeply I will already know Him. I want to live so connected to Him, walking in such deep friendship with Him that Eden is here, now.
Growing up really traditional, this all sounded so strange at first. I know many of you reading this grew up like me. You might start to feel your pits get sweaty, this will probably make you a little uncomfortable. Please don’t stop reading, just hear me out. K?
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