
1 in 8 Go Through Infertility. These Are Our Stories.

1 in 8 Go Through Infertility. These Are Our Stories.

The theme for this year’s National Infertility Awareness Week has been “flip the script.” It’s been amazing to see all the stories that have been shared over the past week of God’s goodness and His faithfulness in the middle of so much pain. It’s also been amazing to hear of miracle after miracle that He has performed in the stories of so many. 

I might be experiencing delayed fertility, but that is not who I am. Infertility is NOT the end of my story. I was so honored to join with so many others in sharing my story on my dear friend, Caroline’s blog today! Head over to read the hope that is found in between every line..

Infertility Gave Me You

Infertility Gave Me You

Our stories, they both started with brokenness. 

Mine looked like month after month, year after year of negative pregnancy tests. It’s all I ever wanted to be, a mama. So when doctors and my flat belly told me it wouldn’t happen, it was a deep pain, probably the deepest of my life. It wasn’t suppose to be this way. My body is designed to conceive and carry babies. 

I don’t like to think of your story as painful. It tears my heart in half to think of you being in pain. But the truth is, in a perfect world, before the fall, God intended mommies to carry their babies. Your birth mama, she loved you so deep, she knew she couldn’t give you what you needed. So she made a brave choice, and chose life for you, a life she couldn’t give.

You’re Not Going Backwards, Just Higher

You’re Not Going Backwards, Just Higher

I glanced down at my shoes when the conversation changed to pregnancy.

I reached over and wrapped my arm around Selah, hugging the very manifestation to a promise. Reminding myself of His faithfulness once before through her story, choosing hope. Again. Knowing that He is man true to His word, what He has promised He will do. That one day, it will be me sharing about a miracle pregnancy.

Baby showers still sting. Really bad. And that annoys me.

Because so much healing has happened in my heart. All of these years have passed, us still waiting on this miracle, and my heart looks very different from when we began this journey. I know Him more than I ever have before. He is more to me the Gift, the promise, the blessing, than ever. It’s Him I want.

Grace in the Wilderness

Grace in the Wilderness

Infertility is not who I am.

It’s not even what my story is about.

It’s just a chapter in my story, a season. And one day, before we know it, the page will turn and this chapter of infertility will come to an end. This season of infertility will be over and this promise that we have prayed for so long will be right before our eyes. 

Even then, I never want to forget what I’ve learned here. How I’ve needed Him. How He has become THE gift. How He has become THE promise. How I’ve found places of His heart I would have never found if it wasn’t for infertility. 

When You’re Holding Onto Hope

When You’re Holding Onto Hope

Most of the time, it’s easy for me to look at ugly and have eyes to see beyond, how beautiful it will one day be.

It’s easy for me to do this, because I know who Father is. I’m learning more and more of His heart. That it’s only in His character to do good and be good and give good. He turns bitter into sweet. He raises beauty up from the ashes. He redeems and rewrites and restores. When you know who He is, it’s easy to see past the ugly. Because when you walk in your true identity, a daughter knows her Papa will always rush in. He’ll come to the rescue. It’s just who He is, it’s what He does.