
Unseen. {A Book Giveaway}

Unseen. {A Book Giveaway}

I first felt it when I was a junior in high school. In the middle of our routine at half-time, I would glance in the stands, searching for both parents to be there, cheering me on. Only to be disappointed.

Then again, early in our marriage, when we were trying so desperately to communicate with one another. We would leave our conversation both feeling misunderstood.

A few years later, I found myself sitting in a room full of women with happy faces, holding up tiny outfits and talking about their pregnancy stories. I sat with a plaster smile on my face, praying they wouldn’t ask me, holding it together until I made it to the car.

“You feast. I’ll Fight.” (Part 2)

“You feast. I’ll Fight.” (Part 2)

The drive down there gave us a chance to process the events of the last few days. Our children we all safe and taken well care of, and our hearts had a second to take a deep breath. What we just said yes to, it was all heavy. It still is.

We drove straight to the beach. We unloaded the car, put way too much change in a parking meter, and walked (in the rain) to the beach. We sat there in our beach chairs, holding hands, in the rain. And it was perfect. 

He Is Really That Kind.

He Is Really That Kind.

I looked down at my belly and wondered if maybe, just maybe this was the month God had opened my womb. 

We were driving down to the beach and I pulled up the calendar on my phone. My feet up on the dash, Cinderella was playing for the kids in the backseat, and our hearts were bursting with hope. The promise had manifest. The waiting was finally over. We finally had breakthrough from seven years of praying. We would shout it from the mountain tops that our Papa had performed a miracle. Again. 

“So I’ll be twenty weeks the week of your birthday! How sweet is that? We’ll get to find out the gender! What a birthday present! My belly will be pretty big around Christmas. I’ll finally be pregnant for our Christmas cards. The due date will be my birthday month! Isn’t that just the way He works?! He’s so kind. Really kind, isn’t He?” 

The Secret Place

The Secret Place

We have always prayed that our hearts and home would always have open walls. We were presented with a sudden opportunity and three weeks ago, we unexpectedly welcomed another sweet face to our family. We’re not sure how long he’ll stay, but we do know while he’s here, he will surely be loved.

The last few weeks have been us adjusting to our new normal, as a family, now of five. It hasn’t been easy, in fact, some moments have been really hard. But all of the beautiful things are at first. They say adding the third kid is the hardest, so hopefully adjusting to the next one will be a breeze, right?! I’m learning how to talk transformers and magic potions. It’s so different from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and princess castles, but I’m finding wherever the Father plants us, He gives us grace there.

A Letter to My Child’s Therapists

A Letter to My Child’s Therapists

You walked into his hospital room with your bags (the ones we would know so well), pulled out your big notebook, and started a file with his name at the top. We had been in the hospital for a week at that point, and it was our fourth hospital trip in two months. I was running off of machine coffee and no sleep. The most exciting time of our day was when the helicopter landed on the pad outside of Micah’s room. So when you walked in with your bags and notebook, hope followed you through the door.

Deeper Waters

Deeper Waters

We just got back from the beach. And it was definitely a trip to remember.

Has it been rainy where you live? Because it’s rained more this summer than any other summer I remember. Like this week when we were at the beach. It rained EVERY DAY. Except the day we left, of course. Being in a house with two toddlers and a not-so-home-body husband was…fun. Bahaha. Really, it was such a special week.