Nothing is Wasted

I was newly married. Still blissful in our new life together. Our little white house was perfectly decorated, like I had imagined. All of the presents from our wedding, were thoughtfully arranged in their new home. Ready for us to use them as we began our life as...

Full and Rested

It happened. I fell in love with Him all over again. I spent last weekend at the Created for Care retreat, studying the outline of His face with over 500 women whose heart beats for the orphan. He met us there and His beauty was breathtaking. In that room, there...

An Old Friend

It took all of my courage just to open the door to the office. I unbuttoned my jacket, not because I was warm, but maybe it would take away the tightness in my chest. I took a deep breath to slow down my fast beating heart. My hands shook as I completed...

It’s a BOY!!!!

If you have been following our story, you know over the summer, we were very close to adding another Satterfield to our family. After we found out that it wasn’t going to happen, we immediately started praying about Satterfield Number Two, and what avenue we...

Our Birth Mom

In my last post, I shared about our open adoption. When Brandon and I were walking through the adoption process, I read everything I could find about birth moms. I wanted to know what it was like through their eyes. Whether you are interested in adoption, in the...