Waiting on a Promise

Waiting on a Promise

Christmas was always a measure of time for me

“Maybe next Christmas we’ll have a baby.”

Next Christmas would come and go, but with each passing year, it was harder and harder to believe. More than most times of the year, the ache couldn’t be escaped. The family Christmas cards that would pile in, the commercials of those sweet ones opening all their toys, and the line filled with excited faces and cute outfits at the mall waiting for Santa, it all just screamed at me. Reminding me of what I didn’t have. Yet wanted so desperately.

And then almost three years ago, four days before Christmas, we brought home one of our favorite gifts, our daughter. Not that Christmas needed redeeming, Jesus did that when He came, but how sweet of Him to send us our baby girl in a season that had brought so much pain?  

Waiting For Healing

Waiting For Healing

I have two beautiful children. They are both answers to hundreds of prayers. I remember watching mamas put their babies in car seats at the grocery store and wishing so much that one day I would get to do that simple thing. My kids at school would sometimes slip up and call me “Mama.” They would cover their mouth real fast and with a wide grin, say, “I mean, Mrs. Satterfield.” But hearing someone call me “Mama” was a longing that stretched to the depth of my heart. Now, every morning I wake to that sweet calling. That name echoes through the baby monitor that sits on my nightstand.

Their stories, the way my children came home to us, are nothing short of miracles. The very same night we decided to start our adoption journey, a man from our church whom we had never met, gave us a check for 10,000 dollars. This was one of the many miracles that brought them home. I still tear up thinking about how God calmed every one of our fears and supplied all of our needs. He sets the lonely in families and when He does, years of brokenness fade into beauty.

He has answered my prayer to be a mama in the most beautiful story. I love all of the parts. I can’t imagine our family without those two precious ones sleeping upstairs. This what I’m about to tell you isn’t about them. It’s about another prayer that I’ve prayed for years, that God still hasn’t answered.